What should we pay attention to when drinking water with a paper cup

Matters needing attention:

1: It’s best not to drink the first cup of water. Scald it with boiling water first, and pour it out after fourorfive minutes, so that the harmful substances in the paper cup can volatilize fully. Because fluorescent powder and ink are highly permeable, they will pollute food.

2: Disposable paper cups or instant noodles cartons should not be heated in the microwave oven.

3: Try not to fill the paper cup with hot water, because some manufacturers apply a thin layer of wax on the paper cup to prevent water from penetrating, and it will melt when encountering hot water of more than 40 ℃. Therefore, disposable paper cups are best used to hold cold drinks rather than hot water above 40 ℃.

Individul Packaging Clean Paper Cup