What is Biodegradable Lunch Box

In the environment of advocating environmental protection, more and more businesses have gradually replaced ordinary disposable lunch boxes with degradable tableware to reduce environmental pollution, and there are more and more kinds of environmental protection lunch boxes and degradable lunch boxes on the market. So what is degradable tableware? What are the current categories?

The following manufacturers of degradable particles will analyze for you:

Degradable tableware refers to the tableware that can undergo biochemical reaction under the action of natural environment microorganisms (bacteria, mold, algae) and enzymes, causing appearance mildew to internal quality change, and finally forming carbon dioxide and water.

There are two kinds of degradable tableware materials: one is made of natural materials, such as paper products, straw, starch, etc., which can be completely degraded, also known as environmental protection products; The other is made of plastic as the main component, adding starch, photosensitizer and other substances, which can be partially degraded.